Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sunscreen Hair

I've learned over the last few weeks that sunscreen is the perfect "product" for creating some crazy hairstyles.

Some examples:

Rockin' the mohawk with Auntie JJ (Riley's hair is a bunch of different lengths, which all work together perfectly in a mohawk).

Landon and Riley both try out the "just out of a wind tunnel" look in preperation for some fun at the pool.

Ireland Part 5 - Other Random Photos

Here are a few other photos from our Ireland trip:

Meeting Great-Aunt Joan

Annie and Jasmine

Playing in Jasmine's tent tunnel

Jimi looking out at the Irish Sea

First trip to the beach

Learning to drink from a tea cup

Colm's brother, Keith, with Riley and Jasmine

Riley plays with Grandad Kinsella

Ireland - Part 4 - Family Togetherness

It was so nice to have so much time together again as a family.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Ireland - Part 3 - Daddy and Daughter Time

Daddy and baby had a really great time catching up on our trip. Here are some cute pics:
Practicing the walking skills - not quite there yet.

Looking out at the Sea.

Dining together.

Going to the beach.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ireland - Part 2 - Cousin Time

While we were in Ireland, Riley got to hang out with her cousins on the Kinsella side of the family. She got to meet her oldest Kinsella cousin, Ava (Colm's younger brother Brendan's daughter).

Ava, Riley and Jasmine

She also got to play with her cousin Jasmine again. Riley's much more active this time, so they could all "play" together better.

Here is a photo of Jasmine and Riley in the matching outfits their Granny Kinsella bought them when she was in Colorado in March.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Ireland - Part 1 - Plane ride

Riley did really great on our two plane rides to Ireland. We managed to get the bulkhead for both flights, which was great. On the way to Chicago we were able to lay her on a blanket on the ground at our feet for a nap. She also enjoyed just sitting in that place and playing with things - mostly the stuff in the magazine rack!

On the flight from Chicago to Ireland, we were able to get a bassinet that hooked onto the wall (the blue thing below). Riley was almost too big for it and didn't like it at first (and therefore slept on mommy), but ended up sleeping a few hours in it - allowing mommy and Jimi to get a little rest as well.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Loves swimming

I've only managed to get Riley into a pool once so far - and that was at the Holiday Inn in Grand Junction when I was there for work. She loved it though. We have a pool in our neighborhood and have plans to get over there soon!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Granny Kinsella

Colm's mom, Brenda, lost her fight with cancer on Sunday. As tribute, here is a picture of her with Riley from when she came to visit us in March.
We are so glad that she was able to make the trip over from Ireland to meet Riley. She was a wonderful woman and will be truly missed.