Saturday, May 31, 2008

Yoga poses

When Riley was learning to crawl she sometimes got into what I referred to as her downward facing dog yoga position. She's also done it a few times since starting to crawl. Not many people have seen her do it. Landon's parents caught her in the act. Check out her picture on this blog post of Landon's:

The funny thing is that for some reason when I do yoga, I cannot do this "routine" pose for more than 2 seconds!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Great G-Pa

Riley and I went with my brother, Nick, to visit my mom's father (when I write to him, I address him as "g-pa") over the weekend. He's Riley's only living great grandparent.

If we had been thinking and organized, we would have taken a picture of Riley next to the same thing at regular intervals. We didn't really do that, but here is a good way to see how much she's grown. The first picture is when we visited my grandfather in September (so she was 1 month) and the second picture is from this weekend. I guess she has grown quite a bit.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

"Life of Riley"

So I've been wondering for the last 24 hours why "Life of Riley" seemed so familiar. I guess its a common phrase (and a common blog name!). See for yourself by googling "Life of Riley."

Apparently its a UK phrase meaning "An easy and pleasant life."

Sounds like a good plan to me!

Look at those nashers

These are not the most flattering photos of little Riley, but everyone (friend and stranger alike) seems to want to see Riley's teeth (or "nashers" as Colm calls them). She has 5 all together now. The first two (on the bottom) came in a few months ago.

And the last three all came in within a week of each other about 3 weeks ago. You can't see it in this picture, but she has another tooth to the right (her left) of the two top middle ones.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

What Riley's up to these days

Riley is already 9 months old. She started crawling last week. Here is a video taken right after she started.

She's a little quicker at it now that she's had a week of practice. She spent much of today exploring the house.

And so it shall be...

Okay so I'm like 9 months or more behind on getting this "blog" thing going. I just didn't think I was the type. I guess I am. Actually, lets see how often I manage to post to this, then we'll be the judge.

Anyway thanks to Landon's parents for being the inspiration for this blog. I hope to update the world on Riley's milestones and activities. This blog is mostly for Colm, but I hope the rest of you enjoy it as well.